Expertise/other membership/roles

  • Manage a number of different services that include AHPs as part of the workforce including dietetics, podiatry, MSK services (physiotherapy, Dorset MSK interface, MSK triage), pain service, audiology, orthotics

  • Currently hold seats on the following pan Dorset groups: Elective Care Board (formerly Right Referral: Right Care Work Stream) and MSK Steering Group

  • In the last year have been involved in work streams that have the potential to significantly reshape Dorset services including the development of the MSK triage service, physiotherapy review and spinal task and finish group

  • To gain an early awareness of key strategic changes under discussion within Dorset and to discuss with colleagues on the AHP council how best to influence the changing agenda
  • To capture the ideas and enthusiasm for new ways of working, looking beyond Dorset to national and international areas of good practice
  • For no sector of the Dorset health or social care system to financially benefit to the detriment of any other part of the system
  • To truly feel like one Dorset