Role: Principal Occupational Therapist
Organisation: BCP Council

Expertise/special interests/other membership/roles

  • Community work, long term conditions, adaptations/housing, moving and handling, specialist equipment – like tilt in space chairs.

  • I believe that a system wide approach needs to be taken for success to be realised. For example, single handed care approach needs to be understood and adopted across all areas for it to be most effective and beneficial in reducing care demand and improve outcomes for patients/clients. The AHP Council can facilitate collaboration on vital issues like the care crisis and take actions back to our areas to enable change
  • Dissemination of information, best practice, and advice to all involved and improve communication between the organisations that attend the council
  • Better communication between services and within services, better services, better outcomes for patients/clients
  • Reviewing the Moving and Handling (M&H) paperwork to standardise and improve practice across Dorset. Now needs to be ratified and disseminated and M&H training is now needed to be implemented
  • Reviewing the provision and standardising practice for the assessment and provision of specialist chairs/standard chairs that are purchased through the Integrated Community Equipment Store (ICES)
  • Assisting with the new contract being set up for the ICES which is being led by BCP Council