How AHPs work within public health

As AHPs work widely within public health, they work in health promotion, health protection and disease and ill health prevention. In the AHP model of Public Health there are four domains in which AHPs contribute to Public Health. The four domains and AHP activities are shown below. This list will vary by profession and is not exhaustive.

Also known as social determinants, are a diverse range of social, economic and environmental factors which impact on people’s health and wellbeing. Addressing the wider determinants of health and wellbeing has a key role to play in reducing health inequalities.

Describes the work to improve the health and mental wellbeing of individuals, communities or populations through enabling and encouraging healthy lifestyle choices and developing resilience.

Aims to maximise value, equity and good outcomes by focusing on the needs of the population and delivering person centred services across the entire health and care system.

Aims to protect the population’s health from communicable diseases and other threats, while reducing health inequalities.

Dorset Allied Health Professionals (AHP) Public Health Strategy Group

Formed in 2019, Our Dorset Allied Health Profession (AHPs) Public Health Strategy Group are AHPs, who are passionate about our role in public health. Our mission is to embed the UK AHP Public Health Strategic Framework across organisations and with AHPs in Dorset, to:

  • Develop the AHP Workforce; to have the skills, knowledge and behaviours to promote, improve and protect the health and wellbeing of individuals, communities and populations

  • Demonstrating impact; demonstrate our contribution to improved population level health outcomes through robust evaluation and research

  • Increase the profile of the AHP public health role; AHPs will be recognised as valuable public health experts and raise the profile of the AHP contribution to public health

  • Strategic connections and leadership; create effective relationships AHPs and system leaders at local and national levels to make best use of AHPs to improve public health and reduce health inequalities

  • Health and wellbeing of the workforce; AHP expertise will be used to protect and improve the health and wellbeing of the health and care workforce

We are from many professions including:

  • Dietetics

  • Occupational therapy

  • Physiotherapy, podiatry

  • Prosthetics and orthotics

  • Radiography

  • Speech and language therapy

Our group represents organisations throughout Dorset, including:

  • Dorset Council

  • Dorset County Hospital

  • Dorset CCG/ICS

  • Dorset HealthCare

  • Higher education institutions (BU and AECC)

  • Speech and language therapy

  • University Healthcare Dorset

We also have membership and input from other specialists in public health such as:

  • Active Dorset

  • Dorset CCG

  • Live Well Dorset

  • Health Education England

  • Public Health Dorset

  • Public Health England

We come together to promote and work to contribute to the wider public health agenda.

Our current workstreams include:

  • Undergraduate public health placements

  • Physical activity for adults and children

  • AHP training in public health and prevention

  • Promoting training and awareness of AHP role in tackling health inequalities

We are also supporting other work across the system including the Health Inequality Agenda, prevention at scale, smoking cessation and MSK pathways.

If you are interested in joining the group please email

AHP undergraduate public health placements

Our future AHP workforce need to be more than excellent clinicians.  They also need an understanding of the diverse populations we serve here in Dorset including the social determinants of health and health inequalities. Expanding placement opportunities for our pre-registration AHP students in organisations such as public health teams and voluntary sector organisations will help expose students to a wider range of experiences as well as developing our overall placement capacity.

The opportunity to have part of a placement outside of a health or social care setting can help develop understanding of the wider determinants of health, health improvement, health protection and healthcare public health which in turn informs our practice and our services. Whilst currently public health and third sector placements are small in number there is real enthusiasm and commitment to develop placements that will give our future AHP workforce the skills they need to deliver personalised care.

Pubic health placements are one of the main strategic ambitions of the AHP PH steering group for Dorset.

If you are a student please contact your practice placement co-ordinator.

If you are a provider, we welcome any ideas to develop placement opportunities, please contact

Health inequalities

AHP Health Inequalities Framework

The ten year plan highlights the need to tackle unequal outcomes and access. To provide AHPs with the skills and knowledge to impact on this aim The King’s Fund has worked with AHPs to develop a framework to support any AHP to think through and understand their contribution to tackling health inequalities, whatever their role. The framework details how AHPs can raise awareness, take action and optimise advocacy. The King’s Fund has worked with AHPs from across the UK to develop a framework to support any AHP to think through and understand their contribution to tackling health inequalities, whatever their role. The framework details how AHPs can raise awareness, take action and optimise advocacy.

AHP Health Inequalities Framework

Our Dorset ICS Virtual Health Inequality Academy

Dorset ICS are also developing a Health Inequality Academy and there are lots of quick reads and information to build up your knowledge. (hyperlink)

DIIS Dorset Insights and Intelligence System BI Tool

The DISS allows access to health inequality insights in your communities in order to improve services.

To understand more about your service or specialty you can apply to access DIIS tool

AHP public health resources

To support you and your teams in public health activity we have created a resource section. If you have any public health case studies or QI projects you want to submit please email We really want to shout about your success. (link to case Study section)

Live Well Dorset training

To support the delivery of our AHP public health vision Live Well Dorset have developed a suite of training to improve well being skills for yourself, for teams and healthy behaviour training to help people who use your services make healthy choices.

Delivered online, or face to face these training offers can be accessed via the Live Well website.


To find more AHP specific public health resources please access the Royal Society of Public Health (RSPH) AHP hub, where you will find profession specific resources, case studies, tools and links to training resources.

Quality improvement: embedding public health into your clinical service

There is a growing interest in public health by AHPs and there is increasing priority and focus on prevention, NHS services have traditionally provided specialist treatment rather than prevention.

The shift towards prevention needs system and service wide leadership to embed this. HEE have developed a programme that is intended to support leaders and service managers to guide their teams through the process of re-designing services to support prevention.

Designed as a 5-step process, the programme provides a practical toolkit of useful resources to help individuals and teams identify their unique contribution and then implement quality improvement initiatives to transform services to have a prevention focus.

Training can be accessed through e-learning for health.

Case studies and best practice

We would love to hear where AHP’s across Dorset are working in the four AHP domains of public health, or if you have used the public health toolkit to implement change in your service. The form below is for guidance only, with some points to consider, if useful.

Please email Carolyn Royse, Lead Orthotist, Head of Orthotics, In Patient Podiatry and Hand Therapy, at Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust: with your completed document.