
Florence House Mother and Baby Unit and Community Perinatal Mental Health Team

Summary of placement

  • Placement has been set up across an established Mother and Baby Unit and Community Perinatal Mental Health Team, under the supervision of two full time occupational therapists.

  • Day to day activities include multidisciplinary team meetings, occupational therapy assessments, occupational therapy groups, goal setting sessions, occupational therapy interventions and evaluations. This also includes documentation and time for reflection.

  • The placement also offers opportunities to shadow generic working including risk assessing, core assessments, social care meetings and wellbeing plans

  • Depending on the competency of the student and if appropriate then students can either shadow the above activities, lead on them with occupational therapist’s support or lead on these independently

  • Students are supported by full-time occupational therapists. They are also supported by the wider MDT and management team

  • Students receive weekly supervision, halfway report, and a full-time report. We also encourage students to visit the unit prior to the placement starting to answer any questions and alleviate any concerns

  • Students are also able to attend the student support group within Dorset Healthcare


  • First-hand experience of working with clients

  • Experience of working within a multidisciplinary team

  • Work directly with an OT


  • Some clients decline to have students involved in their care

  • Can be tricky to be involved in wider NHS objectives and initiatives

  • Working with people with challenging histories and presentations can be overwhelming for students

Advice you'd give to others

  • I would encourage students to link in with services prior to placement starting

  • Students come with a wealth of knowledge and experience that can be an asset to a clinical placement

  • Ask lots of questions!

  • If an OT is part-time or works flexibly then I would encourage shared placements. Sharing students across the services give students a variety of opportunities and for practitioners to share the workload of having students