
AECC University MSc Speech and Language Therapy Teaching Team

Supporting the first year MSc Speech and Language Therapy students to gain clinical skills prior to their first clinical practice placement

Summary of placement

Students experienced a simulated placement fortnight. First week had a paediatric focus (general clinic) and second week adult focus (hospital ward). Students were presented with 2 case referrals at the start of each week. In groups they planned how to approach taking a case history and decide what assessments they would carry out and what further information they needed to gather. They then attended a mock clinic or ward day which was facilitated by lecturers and local clinicians, where the students interacted with both interactive simulation manikins and clinicians role-playing patients and carers. They were then presented with assessment information to analyse and generate potential goals and intervention plans.


  • Opportunity to practice skills in a ‘safe space’ before going out on placement

  • Students enjoyed meeting and discussing cases with local clinicians

  • Counted as practice-learning hours so taking some pressure off placement providers


  • Some issues with technology/use of manikins – still learning

  • Students wanted more time for the clinic/ward days – felt rushed

Advice you’d give to others

  • Think carefully about using technology – some issues with functionality detracted from the learning experience

  • Involve local clinicians in the simulation where possible – this was a real positive identified by the students