Read our colleagues stories

Del Moschini

Foundation pharmacy technician

“I did a degree in languages in Brazil which enabled me to come to England to learn the culture and the language. I fell in love with Bournemouth, and it just felt like home.”

Kylie Godden

Pharmacy technician

“There is everything that I need for my role in Dorset. It is such a lovely place to live, and I am lucky to live and work in such a pretty part of the country.”

Amanda Poole

Education and Training Specialist Pharmacy Technician

“I started off as at the dispensing assistant and Superdrug and I’ve ended up now as a specialist lead technician and I haven’t had to move house or commute ridiculously long distance to do that. I’ve done it all in Dorset. ”

Lucy Sale

Pharmacy Integration Programme Manager

“I work as the Pharmacy Integration Programme (PhIP) Manager for NHS England Workforce, Training and Education for the South West region.”

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