Lucy Sale
Pharmacy Integration Programme Manager

I was born in Sussex and completed my pharmacy degree in University of Brighton. My early career was in acute hospitals across Surrey and Sussex where I completed my Clinical Diploma and Independent prescribing qualification. Something I am particularly proud of is setting up a novel pharmacist led interstitial lung disease clinic in an acute hospital trust. I have also used my prescribing skills as a senior clinical pharmacist in a Sussex PCN. My passion for workforce development led me to education and training roles both in secondary care and as a teacher practitioner at the University of Sussex.
I moved to Dorset for the beautiful beaches and to be closer to family. I was lead education and training pharmacist for University Hospitals Dorset, before moving onto my current role at NHS England. I work as the Pharmacy Integration Programme (PhIP) Manager for NHS England Workforce, Training and Education for the South West region. My role was introduced to support integration as part of a national 2021-24 PhIP programme to operationalise the workforce elements. This includes a range of planned education and training provisions such as expanding clinical examination skills training for community pharmacists, independent prescriber training for pharmacists and increasing access to educational and clinical supervisors for pharmacy professionals. I work with the national PhIP team, local leaders, regional networks and NHSE colleagues to promote and support the programme as new workforce opportunities are made available.
Lucy Sale
Pharmacy Integration Programme Manager

I was born in Sussex and completed my pharmacy degree in University of Brighton. My early career was in acute hospitals across Surrey and Sussex where I completed my Clinical Diploma and Independent prescribing qualification. Something I am particularly proud of is setting up a novel pharmacist led interstitial lung disease clinic in an acute hospital trust. I have also used my prescribing skills as a senior clinical pharmacist in a Sussex PCN. My passion for workforce development led me to education and training roles both in secondary care and as a teacher practitioner at the University of Sussex.
I moved to Dorset for the beautiful beaches and to be closer to family. I was lead education and training pharmacist for University Hospitals Dorset, before moving onto my current role at NHS England. I work as the Pharmacy Integration Programme (PhIP) Manager for NHS England Workforce, Training and Education for the South West region. My role was introduced to support integration as part of a national 2021-24 PhIP programme to operationalise the workforce elements. This includes a range of planned education and training provisions such as expanding clinical examination skills training for community pharmacists, independent prescriber training for pharmacists and increasing access to educational and clinical supervisors for pharmacy professionals. I work with the national PhIP team, local leaders, regional networks and NHSE colleagues to promote and support the programme as new workforce opportunities are made available.
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