Clinical and Care Professional Leadership Development
Our vision
To enable and empower our clinical and professional leaders to deliver improved population health, patient and population experience, outcomes and productivity, clinical effectiveness and value for money.
“In Dorset we have excellent dedicated clinical and care professional teams working together to meet the needs of our population, with each specialist bringing their unique skills and experience.
We need to make sure that the clinical and care professional leaders who work hand in hand with our managerial colleagues are drawn from that breadth of expertise so that the way we design our services is shaped by our pharmacists, our therapists, our social workers and our doctors and nurses.
Our plans will ensure that this is the case and that we fully support the leadership development of our professionals so that our patients experience the best joined up multidisciplinary care.”
Dr Paul Johnson
Chief Medical Officer, NHS Dorset

Key principles
Principle 1
IntegratingIntegrating clinical and care professionals in decision making at every level of the ICS
Principle 2
CultureCreating a culture of shared learning, collaboration & innovation, working alongside patients & communities.
Principle 3
ResourcesEnsuring clinical and care professionals have appropriate resources to carry out their system roles.
Principle 4
Learning & DevelopmentDedicated leadership development and the opportunity for clinical and non-clinical professionals to learn together.
Principle 5
Leadership pipelineIdentifying, recruiting and developing a pipeline of clinical and care professional system leaders.
Development of the local Clinical and Care Professional Framework
System leaders are harnessing the opportunity to build upon the strong foundations of clinical and care professional leadership that are already in place in Dorset. Earlier this year, a series of workshops were held with clinical and care professionals from across the integrated care system (ICS) to gather their views on the current clinical and care professional leadership arrangements and to co-design the desired future state for Dorset’s ICS.
The result was the development of The Clinical and Care Professional Framework, which defines three key pillars and our action plan to increase the capacity, capability and coordinating infrastructure to enable to strong and effective clinical and care professional leadership at a system level to support the effective implementation of the ICS.
Distributed clinical and care professional leadership, shared action and governance.
Empower and unlock the potential of our clinical and care professional leaders at all levels.
Enabling a culture of shared learning, co-production and innovation.