Work experience in health and social care

More than 350 different careers in the NHS alone!

If you are considering a career in a busy hospital environment or are interested in working in health and social care in the community, then a work experience placement may be for you.

Did you know there are more than 350 different careers ranging from healthcare assistants, doctors through to administrative staff and gardeners in the NHS alone?

Dorset NHS organisations and Councils offer a range of placements for students from 14 years upwards. Students under 16 years are restricted to non-clinical and often work experience is located in admin & clerical, human resources or learning and development departments.

Work experience is a great way to help you decide on the right career for you. It can help to bridge the gap between education or training and the world of work:

  • Experience jobs you may have never thought of

  • Help inform career decisions

  • Provide valuable experience for job applications and entry to further and higher education

  • Offer a chance to prove yourself to an employer and help instill the attitudes and behaviors expected at work

Where can you get experience?

Dorset offers work experience placements in health and social care in a varied range of settings:

Hospital care

These provide medical and surgical care through hospital and outpatient treatment, and other services commissioned to meet local population needs.

Community and mental health

They provide specialist care for people with complex and severe mental health problems.

Primary Care

There are a range of local primary care services provided through GP practices, NHS walk-in centres & pharmacists.

Social Care

All healthcare services interface with adult and children’s social services provided by the three local authorities (Bournemouth, Poole and Dorset). Working across Dorset to support people with their health and social care needs.

How to apply  

Please sign up here to learn more about work experience opportunities