
Hello from Dorset! I’m Nicola, and outpatient physiotherapy team lead at Bridport Hospital, but I also manage the teams in Lyme Regis and Portland. I grew up in Dorset’s county town of Dorchester before moving away for work. In 2016 I decided to make the move back to Dorset to be closer to my family and settled in Bridport.

It’s so lovely being near the coast. For the first year it felt like being on holiday! My commute along the coast road to Portland and Lyme Regis means I can see the sea every time I travel. The whole commute is just full of beautiful scenery.

I enjoy walking, and will often see a hill and think, ‘oh, I haven’t walked up that one yet,’ then get home and plan the route. It’s so nice to be able to plan which beach or which hill I’ll explore that weekend. I got into distance walking before I moved, and it’s been wonderful being able to continue among such amazing scenery.

A colleague of mine lives in Frome, Somerset, which is just over an hour away. He works here three days a week and two days there. When he’s working here, he stays on a campsite in his campervan. He keeps his paddleboard and kayak in storage in Lyme Regis so there on hand when he’s in here, and he absolutely loves it!